Default DNS server

If we want to visit a site, then the DNS server will provide IP address behind its site. Instead, we set their own static DNS server addresses in the system as the default server. This can shorten the time to find the target site, because computer will not find DNS server repeatedly when he wanted to find a destination site.

Steps are:
- Click Network Connections in Control Panel,
- Right click on your connection connected to the Internet, then click Status.
- Click the Support tab, then click the Details ...

type the IP address of DNS servers on a notepad, if already done ;
- Click Close
- Click the General tab, then click the Properties
- Click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)
- Click Properties
- Select "Use the following DNS server adresses"
- Type the box with that IP addresses.

It seems like this picture;

If you done with it ;
- Click OK> OK> Close.
- Right click on an active connection.
- Click Disable, and wait a few seconds.
- Click Enable, to reload the system and connections.